Bike Exif Feature Photography Generates Great Viewing Figures for Customer

Motorbike photographs taken by Andrew Butler have appeared on the prestigious Bike Exif website. In their own words the Bike Exif site is about,
…exposure. Bike EXIF is the most popular and influential custom motorcycle website in the world. We have the largest readership of any custom site, and more readers than most of the mainstream websites too. Many of today’s most successful builders got their break with a profile on Bike EXIF.
Working closely with Chris Hunter of Bike Exif we have supplied a set of simple but striking images of the Kevils BMW R100 café racer. The shots were taken at short notice the day before the bike was to be shipped to its new owner in Belgium.
Website Design
Design Credo have previously produced the Kevils website that Chris was kind enough to mention,
and now that he has a decent website, we’re guessing that business will get even better.
Shooting For Results
The shots were taken with the Nikon D800e with a 24-70mm f2.8. We took our studio to Kevils location and in this instance we used a deliberately simple lighting set-up. As is our general approach post-processing was kept to a minimum, chiefly cropping and tidying up the background.
As Bike Exif mention, the bottom line of a shoot like this is about exposure. Through appearing on Bike Exif’s site (with a worldwide audience) huge volumes of viewer traffic are being fed back through the Kevils website resulting already in a record two days readership. If there is any doubt about this claim consider the graph below. Kevils’ website shows a solid upward trend since its launch but there can be little doubt about the effect that appropriate image placement has had in the final week.
Our work spreads beyond the taking of the photographs, recently we have had further success in placing quality motorcycling images in hi-end European magazines on behalf of clients; we look forward to reporting on this shorty.
Andrew Butler/Design Credo have handled all aspects of the Bike Exif submission. Give us a call to see how we could add value to your viewership through quality photography and design.
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