Motorcycle News Use Kevils photos photographed by Andrew Butler for Design Credo of Exeter. Is this the ultimate freebee or just stringing it all together?

OK, here’s the story. I like motorbikes, I like riding them and, I like photographing them. I could simplify this to ‘that’s what I do.’

I have already mentioned some of this here. No, the story I want to touch on is how all this online stuff can work.


  • I photograph a bike and post the images on the DesignCredo blog
  • Kevil’s link it to their Facebook page
  • My blog gets several hundred hits via Kevil’s Facebook within a day or two
  • Motorcycle News (MCN) call Kevil’s up with an idea for a feature
  • Editor of MCN phone me to ask to use the images (I assume this is someone joking with me)
  • MCN publishes Kevil’s feature (100,000 ABC circulation)
  • Facebook and blog get yet more hits
  • I found Kevils through eBay and Facebook
  • Kevil’s didn’t have to pay for this

Emprical Data Supports Hunch (shock-horror)

Sometimes it is hard to point to empirical data but WordPress in particular is great because the built in Stats allow us to see analyse traffic that has come to a site. We can see what posts get visited most and what sites people have been referred from (eg Facebook and Tumblr.) It has only been a couple of weeks since these photos have been posted but I can already see that there are quite a few links to the post from people’s sites including Tumblr and niche interest websites. The total number of hits to the Kevil’s post continues to rise daily.

Kevil’s have a product that people want. Design Credo take great bike photos. Between us we have made a bit of noise, for not a lot of effort.

Oh, and yes MCN are paying for the shots.


I posted this at 10:13, Tweeted to my account, posted it to Linkedin and Facebook. By 10:32 it had been re-tweeted in Wilkinson Grant’s Daily online news.

DesignCredo we don’t just make websites or take photographs, we show you how to use them as tools to work for you.

Keep in touch?

Posted on
April 28th, 2012
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  2. Pingback: MO Magazin Kevils BMW Photos by Andrew Butler | Andrew Butler

  3. Pingback: Affordable, one-off BMW Cafe Racers, Scrambler and Bobbers Built to Order

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